
Global Health

Modernizing and digitizing primary healthcare systems

What is wrong?

Effective primary healthcare is the centerpiece of a well-functioning health system. Holistic, integrated primary care through trusted, empowered and properly incentivized local providers can address 90% of an individual’s lifetime health issues, helping identify and manage problems early, treat chronic diseases effectively, and prevent escalation of treatment and costs down-the-line. Yet, despite rapid advances in medicine and technology, this most essential of health services remains elusive, as most of global health continues to focus on fragmented, disease-focused vertical programs. Clients are treated as passive recipients, and not as capable agents of their own health and wellbeing.

What’s at stake

While the health sector focuses on a few diseases and conditions, people continue to suffer from chronic diseases and pains, gastrointestinal ailments, skin conditions, mental health disorders, end-of-life needs and other universal health issues. 67% of deaths in developing countries today are from chronic diseases, and 8 Million people die each year due to poor quality of healthcare. This mismatch between people’s needs and the services rendered causes loss of agency and erodes trust in health systems.

Our solution

We believe that empowering people to be effective agents of their own health and well-being, and building a robust, modern, community-based primary healthcare system is key to achieving true health equity. By leveraging the exponentially growing power and reach of technology (smart devices, digital health platforms, AI, rapid diagnostics, etc.), people’s inherent agency, and trusted local providers, we can foster better health outcomes and deliver delightful care experiences affordably and accessibly, even in low-resource health systems.

In addition to catalyzing innovations in effective digitally enabled preventive and primary-care models, we also invest in integration and continuity of care across currently fragmented systems, and enabling regulatory environments and financing models for such novel systems to scale in Asia and Africa.

Primary healthcare can address 90% of lifetime health needs, but receives <10% of global health funding.
67% of deaths in developing countries are from chronic diseases, but few countries have proactive mechanisms for monitoring and managing them.
Up to 70% of primary healthcare in many countries are provided by informal providers of healthcare such as drug shops, without any training or oversight.
15% of all deaths in low-resource countries happen due to poor quality of care.

“By empowering people and their trusted local health providers with rapidly advancing health technologies like AI and diagnostics, we can finally democratize access to quality healthcare for people in some of the furthest reaches of the planet.”

Matt, Founder of Endless Network

Featured projects

Digitally scaling up Patient journey mapping

We are supporting PSI to develop a new methodology for mapping patient journeys and measure their outcomes and care experiences at scale, using remote engagement and AI.

“BP Sawa” (ease the tension) NCD Chatbot

Penda Health, an urgent care clinic network in Kenya, is developing an AI-enabled Whatsapp chatbot to enable their chronic patients to stay on their ideal care pathways and manage conditions even after they have left the clinic.

Health Venture Mentor GPT

Innovations in Healthcare, an incubator a liated with Duke University, has trained an LLM-based bot on a curated knowledge repository on global health innovation process and case studies, with the goal of making it easy for innovators to access the frontiers of knowledge.

Our partnerships

Learn more

What happens when a billion people get computers? TEDxUFM

Mar 10, 2015

Matt Dalio - Bringing the Internet to the Next Billion People

Jun 28, 2016


The whole world, empowered.

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